Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Refurbishment tour Deptford

With works underway at my latest development in Deptford I've been inundated with requests for faces old and new to have a look around at the project in progress. I'm pleased to report that so far several visits have proven very useful and I was able to answer a lot of practical questions. 

Naturally I would like to offer the same value to my readers who may not have reached out to me in the past, so if you are one of the first 5 people responding to this you can join me and a few others on a group walk-around of my project in progress. 

During the walk-around we will cover:

  • How to change a layout effectively without compromising rooms and making them useless
  • Keep your exit strategy in mind
  • Decor and finishing tips at builders merchant pricing, I'll show you where and how to get the prices and create the wow factor for peanuts. Remember it's got to look expensive without being expensive
  • And much more of course

So if you want to tag along then send me a quick line to book a spot. I'm limiting this to the first 5 people, midday on 20th May. If you want to join and can make it then let me know and I'll gladly show you the project. Email me And hope to see you soon. If you can't make this date then hopefully I'll see you at the launch day in order to showcase the finished product. 

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